That's my new word for hungry socialites! Cause after the experience I had yesterday, I've got to say there are so many of them out there. It all started yesterday with me getting my nails don, then the mighty feat of getting dressed for the event, the siren blaring car that was behind us and then OMG, the posing from the most random people.
They posed for me and I thought to myself, ¯\..(•͡._ •͡ )../¯ for? You, I saw at a meeting yesterday and you last week, were going on about how much weight I'd lost (I haven't but hey, whatever) and how you haven't seen me in ages and how good it was to see me. See I appreciate the art of posing from the right sort, but my darlings these two are nowhere near the summit point, in fact sniffing the base of the mountain scares the bejeezus out of them ~ But its understandable, they need to feel like they're a part of something, and I guess maybe this is what its all about for you. But yeah you chill over here being the pleb that you are, I'll be over there with the cool kids, where you really want to be, oh and don't think you're going to behave like that, see me somewhere else and then try and be all friendly. Oh no no no no no.
To get the full gist as to the very eventful day I had yesterday, come back a little later today to read more. Its too funny!
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Let's keep it civil my darlings! ; )