Shots Of Divalousity

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Mummy Chronicles ~ Do These Fad Diets Really Work???

Well yes they do especially when you stick to them as instructed. I learned the hard way, A couple of weeks back I was online and doing the usual, you know browsing on Linda Ikeji whipping past the politically inclined paid for posts and slowing sown at the more scintillating bit of gos ;). And lo and behold, what did i stumble across...

Fabslimtox, well that's what she calls it. there was a picture of an obese woman who had now become svelte, it was obvious that these pictures hadn't been touched up, there was no standing in the same spot in the same outfit. These were real life pictures. I continued reading, if you're looking to lose weight and you've got determination and the will to lose weight. take a gander I read it and I was sold, i consulted with my Yummy Mummy Snap back group and they all protested and advised me not to go ahead with it as I could eat clean, how does one do that I asked, google it. In my mind I was like ain't nobody got time for that!!!

Anyways I got in touch with Ife, the fabslimtox lady and then I went to see her, I found the address its in Victoria Island, sat with her and thought to myself wait hang on whats going on, she saw the look on my face and was like "Relax, I'm pregnant', "oh haha" I said, 'I already, knew that" yeah right, like I really didn't want a wasted journey!!!
Ife explained it all to me and added me onto one of her 4 brand new blackberries, the demand was astronomical after the article that was placed on Linda Ikeji. She sent me instructions on how to start and how to go about it. I thought to myself, I'll start next week. I'm good to go, I remember driving home and thinking to myself hmm I can see my body now, after I've lost the weight, 12 - 14 kgs expected weight loss. I was going to start the week after I got it, but then a lovely viewer made a comment on one of the episodes of the show I'm hosting at the moment "Is Misi pregnant, cause she looks quite full, full is good"
 read more after the jump.

Monday, October 6, 2014




I had my baby almost 5 months ago now, why aren't I back to my pre baby weight??? Well let me tell you why, cause I've been lazy that's why!!! I have access to everything I could possibly need and I just won't get off my ass to do what needs to be done.
Here's a shoot I did, of when i was 9 months pregnant and I really don't think I've taken that many afterwards, they're always face shots, or Alexander is covering my body

So I gained weight, but it wasn't astronomical, why haven't I lost the weight? I have many plenty excuses... 
I'm sick and tired of having to wear "the girdle" they come in all different shapes and sizes, and bottom line is after a while its uncomfortable and most of them hurt. So here's, what I tried,

~ I did one day of Zumba, Zumba Fitness Nigeria which was exhilarating and but i just didn't go           back, down side is that i don't like working out in front of other people
~ I got a hip hop blast DVD, but I realized that i was having to pay more attention to figuring out the      dance moves than actually benefiting from the essence of the exercise.
~ I have the Tracy Anderson Method, if I actually stuck this one out then I'd be perfect, and besides,    unless I wake up very early, I don't have a moment to myself
~ Oh and I got a trainer, Trainer 1 i started sweating immediately, but this guy isn't big on form so I      had an injury after the third session. Stopped that promptly
~ Then I got another trainer,Trainer 2 and honestly this guy is really good, talks you through each        exercise, makes sure that you feel the stretch or exercise in the exact area you're supposed to feel it,    is starting me of slow so as to build my core back up and not shock my system, but guess what I did    I had 2 sessions with him and then cancelled the third one. Whats that about???? Say it with me...        Laziness
~ Oh and to top it off I have a fully equipped gym downstairs with a pool, Ridiculous.

Whats brought this on, you ask? I've joined a group of women, we've all had babies and we're supporting and competing with each other, emphasis on the support to lose weight and to hit our predetermined targets. Some of the ladies are doing really well, whilst some like me are doing woefully.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Mommy Chronicles #mommychronicles October 1st, 2014

My divalous ones, how are you? So yeah its been a minute and a half since I last posted... can i even dare to promise to keep up to date and make sure I post on the regular, I don't think I should do that, considering my track record. But alas there is always time for change.

Its October 1st and its time to make a change, and so I will, at this moment in time I take full responsibility for everything that I do in my life. Random I know, ok so I've been threatening for a bit to start The Mommy Chronicles, so now i'm starting The Mommy Chronicles... what are The Mommy Chronicles? Well this is it, I'm now a mother, that's irreversible and this continues for the rest of my God given life. Its not as cold as I make it sound or as dire for that matter, its actually the most beautiful thing I have ever experienced, EVER! Truly Amazing, but here's the thing being a Mommy is not as easy as some super mums make it look.

So this right here is about the roller coaster of motherhood, the struggle not to lose myself to motherhood and still be that woman, the one who believes she can have it all, the one who wants to eat her cake and have it... Impossible some say, not at all I say.

So its going to be videos, pictures and just day to day whats happening with Misi, but ladies aaand gentlemen, please feel free to join in the banter. Its going to be hmmm, how shall i put it... interesting.

To start off, check out this video I made when i was about ready to pop... ah man plans, God disposes. 

Click on the link to see what I had to say about the impending birth of my child. Albeit he didn't arrive on time, had to serve him an eviction notice.

See video after the cut